ENG 2D: Purpose & Audience in Media

As we continue with our unit on media studies, let’s review what we learned yesterday. When going through the various magazine/movie covers that each group looked at, we noticed that all the elements (e.g. typography, imagery, colour scheme) come together to serve a certain purpose.

Whether it is to sell an action movie by creating a movie poster with bolded font the colour of red, and imagery of skulls and guns above a group of some of the biggest action stars in Hollywood or a magazine cover – every piece of media is geared toward a certain audience.

Today you will continue to work on creating media with a certain purpose and audience in mind.

What I Want You To Do:

For the next 5 minutes, come together in your group and finish your dialogue for your commercial. Remember what to include:

  • A 30-second time limit with some dialogue
  • A clear pitch aimed at the target audience you were assigned
  • Language/images that appeal to your audience specifically

Once complete, spend the next 15 minutes filming your commercial with the guidelines above in mind.


With your commercial complete, I want you to pass your PED to the group beside you. I have provided you each with a handout of questions to answer while watching each commercial. You will only watch 3 commercials – identify any strengths and weaknesses (but remember to be nice) We will discuss your findings after you have watched the third video.

This is important to have in your notes, and has some great examples of purpose and audience in advertisements.

Now… let’s hear some RANTS!

Posted on April 17, 2012, in ENG 2D 2012. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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